In June 1977, the Latin American Evangelical Center for Pastoral Studies - CELEP, which published Ensayos Ocasionales, decided to stop this publication and replace it with another one called Pastoralia. The number 1 of Pastoralia was published in April 1978, with the theme "The Pastoral in Latin America". The publication had 13 editions and closed in 1991. During the years in which it was published, it had significant contributions of Orlando Costas, Guillermo Cook, Plutarco Bonilla, Juan Stan, among other outstanding leaders. With the closure of the continental activities of CELEP, it was decided to give this material a destination that could be accessible to all. In the moment that it happened, the internet still did not have the characteristics that it has today. Subsequently, all material was digitized by Sergio Parise and initially published on the website of the Church of the Brrthren of Brazil. It is now available on its own site, maintained by Marcos Inhauser.
Celep has defined itself as an institution that serves the Latin American Church. But, "service" is a term that has many meanings. In this respect, the Celep attempted unilateral pitfalls, fruit of reductive understandings of the Christian existence. The church, which was part Celep, is also a multifaceted reality. It is true that the mission of the church is inseparable from its being, but the mission can be understood from various perspectives. Celep wanted to be faithful to the biblical testimony about Latin American social reality that is brutal and inhumane.
The history of Celep must be understood in light of the historical moment lived by the Latin American churches. There was a Continental Celep and his arms in several countries, namely Celep-Mexico, Celep-Central America (CEDEPCA), Celep-Ecuador, Celep-Peru (CEDEPP), CEBEP (Brazil).
Pastoring is the ministry of one gift (pastorate) for the community of faith (church)
Pastoral is the ministryof all gifts (church) to society.
Here you will find texts and reflections on the work of the pastor and the pastoral, written by some of the most respected theologians in Latin America and some articles writen by Marcos Inhauser. These articles are in Portuguese, English and Spanish, according to the language they are originally writen. There are no translation for them.